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  • Double Agent | KellerMortgageCanada

    Become a A dual licensing opportunity for agents This initiative is designed to keep agents at the heart of every transaction. It’s a strategic move for OPs, TLs and agents, offering a valuable opportunity to enhance careers and secure their income. Live and let Buy Get In Touch With Us Benefits Benefits of being a dual licensed real estate agent and mortgage agent under the Double Agent program: Increase Income: By becoming a licensed Mortgage Agent, you can earn additional income by helping your clients with their mortgage process. This diversification is also extremely valuable for monetizing your entire database—past, present, and future. Your dual licensing will also allow you to earn income from refinances. Boost Productivity: By managing both aspects of the transaction, you eliminate the need to coordinate with a third party for financing assistance. This streamlined process not only saves time but also ensures smoother and more efficient deals, allowing you to focus on closing more transactions and providing exceptional service to your clients. Process Management: As a Double Agent, you have full control over your client's journey—from pre-approval to closing. You, or a member of your team, will seamlessly manage the entire process, ensuring a smooth and synergistic experience. With communication now fully in your hands, nothing will slip through the cracks. Consider it your mission to deliver precision, efficiency, and results—because in real estate, success is no accident. Brand Consistency: Join forces with a company that's part of the Keller Williams ecosystem, allowing you to maintain consistent brand recognition. This affiliation enhances your service offering and visibility, giving you a competitive edge. Stand out against the competition. Find Out More Mission Possible How do we support you as a Double Agent? A Training Program and Support Network: Just as Keller Williams empowers you to own and grow your real estate brand as a sales representative, our dual license platform gives you full control over your mortgage business. You'll have the independence to run your brand, backed by a startup training program that equips you with the essential skills. Control over your clients transaction timeline: Maintain more control over the real estate transaction AND simplify the process for the buyer. Competitive Loan Programs: With access to our network of 100s of lenders, you can deliver extremely competitive products, and optimal mortgage structuring. as a Double Agent: Source & Engage High-Quality Leads : Identify and engage clients, ensuring they understand the value and process of securing a mortgage. Guide and Educate: Provide them with insights into the mortgage process, empowering them with the knowledge they need to finance their dream home. Communicate: Maintain consistent communication with all involved parties to ensure a smooth process. Be There at the Finish Line: Actively participate in the loan closing to ensure everything finalizes seamlessly. Find Out More Licensed to Close The buy who loved me

  • Christina Steplock | KellerMortgageCanada

    Christina Steplock, AMP, Mortgage Agent with Keller Mortgage Canada Christina Steplock, AMP Mortgage Agent Level 2 ON Licence #13403 Apply Now Christina Steplock, AMP By dedicating myself to my clients and by receiving consistent praise from them has rewarded and recognized me as a Service Excellence Award winner. As your Mortgage Agent, I strive to provide you with the options and expertise to get the Right Mortgage for your immediate and future needs. I work for you to provide unbiased guidance in your mortgage decision and with access to over 40+ lenders (some offered exclusively through brokers) you have unmatched choice and convenience! My ethical and educational commitment to the mortgage industry has equipped me with the Accredited Mortgage Professional and the Residential Mortgage Specialist Designations. I am also a member of Mortgage Professionals Canada which ensures continuing education, ethics, and professional standards are upheld within the mortgage origination community. More and more consumers are realizing the benefit of aligning themselves with Accredited Mortgage Professionals like myself to manage their home ownership goals going forward. I service you throughout your mortgage and I am always available for questions, advice, or a friendly HELLO! Getting you the Right Mortgage means that we take the time to understand your situation and your needs, and use our expertise and knowledge to help you make the Right Mortgage decision. There are hundreds of different mortgage products out there - and the choices you make could save you thousands of dollars and take years of your mortgage. Let a qualified Keller Mortgage Canada professional take care of you needs. Choice... of over 40 lenders, from major banks to private sources. Convenience... with one place to compare lenders and get the Right Mortgage for your needs. Counsel... from an independent professional who works for you. When you use the Right Broker, you get the Right Mortgage. Apply Now Christina Steplock, Mortgage Agent Level 2 , AMP I am an active member in my community and I proudly support children's activities and community betterment. I look forward to developing a long term relationship with "you", your family and friends with your mortgage financing solutions. "Every day, I show my children that I love who I am, and I'm confident about who I am, so that they grow up feeling the same way." - Mary, a mother Reach out to me! First Name Last Name Email Message Submit Thanks for submitting!

  • Home | KellerMortgageCanada

    Keller Mortgage Canada provides mortgage services for clients of Keller Williams Realty agents & buyers of their listings with our ZeroPlus loan program Zéro frais de courtage Apply now The Keller Williams advantage A conveniently streamlined all in one solution to enhance your experi ence. We are a trusted partner here to protect your interests, and give you the best mortgage products for your needs. Founded by the top Mortgage agents in Canada, with a specialization in helping people build wealth, and helping people through more complex or challenging situations. We are passionate about having a positive impact on your life! We rate and lender watch for best product fit until closing with industry leading rates Our commitment Underwritten pre-approvals in 1 day Deals closed on-time or early Our Mission: To be the trusted partner for KW agents. Providing increased value, services & communication to agents and their clients, to put the KW agent at the centre of the Real Estate transaction and in their clients’ lives on an ongoing basis. Our Vision: To be a disruptor and obvious financing partner for KW agents and their clients Our Value: Protect Disrupt Communicate Collaborate Donate Our Belief System: KM C 2TES KELLER - to protect KW agents and their clients MOTION - constantly evolving with KW agents CANADIAN - Built by Canadian KW agents for Canadian KW agents TEAMWORK - together with the KW agent TRUST - in protecting KW agents’ clients EQUALITY - fair and impartial to all SUCCESS - grow a tree, grow a child

  • Flyers | KellerMortgageCanada

    Click image to download^^^ <Millionaire Real Estate Investor Flyer Download this flyer as a PDF, and upload into Command to edit, or edit as a template in Canva Your First Home Flyer Download this flyer as a PDF, and upload into Command to edit, or edit as a template in Canva

  • Mortgage Newsletter | KellerMortgageCanada

    Click Here for your May 2024 Mortgage Update Including: Financing Solutions for Self Employed Individuals Capital Gains Tax Change Proposal insights and Examples The Millionaire Real Estate Investor Webinar First Time Home Buyer Webinar Rate Sheet Sign up for Free E-Newsletter Version Find out what you qualify for What is a Loan-to-Value (LTV) Ratio? The loan-to-value (or LTV) ratio is one of the most critical factors a mortgage lender reviews when determining your mortgage loan qualifications when you’re looking to purchase or refinance. A mortgage’s loan-to-value ratio (LTV ratio) describes the proportion of the property’s value to the amount of outstanding mortgage balance. In appraising a potential home, homebuyers will have varying LTV ratios based on their specific home buying and financing needs. What Is Loan-to-Value Ratio in Home Financing? An LTV is how your mortgage loan amount compares to your home’s value. For example, if you put 10% down to purchase a home, your mortgage loan is for the home’s remaining 90% total cost. This means your LTV ratio is 90%. Another way to calculate the LTV ratio is by considering the home value. For example, if the home is worth $300,000 and the mortgage is for $280,000, the LTV is 93%. This is because the loan is 93% of the home value. Your LTV ratio is an essential part of the homebuying process. This number is crucial when a lender reviews your financial situation to determine if you qualify to purchase a new home or to refinance your existing home. If you’re financing your home with a mortgage loan, a home appraisal may be required as part of the mortgage process. The mortgage company may require that an appraisal, completed by a licensed appraiser, be done to determine the home’s value by assessing its condition, size, and location and comparing it to other recently sold homes. The appraiser will consider this information, determine the value and create a report so the lender can determine whether or not to approve the home loan. The lower your LTV ratio means you may secure a better mortgage rate and have more equity in your home. Loan-to-Value Ratios by Loan Type There are different mortgage loan types. Based on these different types of loans, the LTV ratios can differ. For example, some loan programs are for homebuyers with a high LTV ratio, while others don’t factor in loan-to-value ratios. Below outlines the most common types of loan types. Conventional Mortgages: Allow up to an 80% LTV ratio. Conventional mortgages are available through most mortgage lenders. Refinances are also considered conventional and are generally limited to an 80% LTV. High Ratio Insured Mortgages: Are available from most lenders and insured by one of three default insurance companies They allow homebuyers to purchase homes with a down payment as low as 5%. High Ratio Insured mortgages can be for anyone buying a home to live in, not just for first-time homebuyers. Some property types will require a minimum down payment of more than 5%. Purchase prices in excess of $500,000 also require more than 5% down. The Lower the Loan-to-Value Ratio the Better When you’re qualifying for a mortgage loan, the lower your LTV ratio is, the better. A low LTV ratio can result in a lower interest rate, and you’ll also have more equity in your home. Partnering with a mortgage lender who is committed to helping homeowners achieve their homeownership dreams can result in a less stressful homebuying experience. Keller Mortgage Canada aims to help customers protect what they care about and empower customers to achieve their financial goals *Information provided is for general knowledge, it is subject to change. The insights contained in our blog is not to be considered professional advice for any specific person or circumstance. Seek an expert one on one consultation from us based on your situation and we can help*

  • May 2024 Newsletter | KellerMortgageCanada

    Your May Mortgage Update Updated Rate Sheet for you Below The Bank of Canada’s next rate decision is scheduled for June 5, 2024. What will they announce? Here are some thoughts... Capital Gains Tax Proposal insights and examples found here. Whether or not someone should sell assets before June 25th really depends on their circumstances. In general things like: The rate of return they expect to generate over the coming years, what type of asset it is, when they planned to sell before they learned about the proposal and why, life expectancy in the case of estates, if an individual might be able to strategically sell assets after June 25th to not exceed the $250k limit annually, and so on. Most importantly; If the reason for selling is for taxation purposes, you may wish to consider waiting for clarifying details from the government (in draft legislation) to have more certainty before selling. We have a deep understanding of Self Employed Financing to help you build wealth. Driven by our commitment to your financial prosperity, let's start a conversation about your goals today. Upcoming events for you: First Time Home Buyer Webinar May 28th at 6pm EST Millionaire Real Estate Investor Webinar May 15th at 6pm EST Current Rates: Bank of Canada Overnight Target Rate: 5% Prime Rate: 7.2% The best variable rate option starts at 6.1% and up Fixed rates are influenced by the bond market, and are subject to change at any time; Currently the best 5 year fixed insured is from 4.89% and we have a promotion from one lender at 4.59%* for 6 months some conditions apply; contact us to learn more. Click here for detailed Rate Sheet as of May 2024

  • Blog | KellerMortgageCanada

    All Posts Connexion/Inscription Aucun post publié dans cette langue actuellement Dès que de nouveaux posts seront publiés, vous les verrez ici.

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  • Contact Us | KellerMortgageCanada

    PARLONS 500 Terry Francois Street San Francisco, Californie 94158 Tél. : 123-456-7890 | ​ Prénom Nom de famille E-mail Sujet Un message Soumettre Merci d'avoir soumis !


*Avertissement : Économies basées sur les frais du prêteur, le crédit ZeroPlus et l'exonération des frais de remise de taux de 1/2 %. ZeroPlus exige qu'un agent de Keller Williams soit partie à la transaction, un montant de prêt minimum de 150 000 $ et la première hypothèque soit financée par Keller Mortgage, LLC. Keller Mortgage ne prête pas sur des propriétés commerciales. Par rapport à la moyenne des prêts hypothécaires à taux fixe sur 30 ans aux États-Unis. Économies basées sur la durée de vie du prêt, économies d'intérêts estimées uniquement. Aucun autre prêteur ou frais de tiers inclus, sauf indication contraire. Taux d'intérêt mensuel national et points déterminés en faisant la moyenne des taux hebdomadaires publiés par la Federal Reserve Bank de St. Louis. La comparaison des taux mensuels basée sur le prêt mensuel a été bloquée. Le taux nominal de Keller Mortgage a été réduit de 0,25% pour tenir compte des points payés par les consommateurs nationaux moyens tels que publiés. Prêts comparatifs Keller Mortgage déterminés à l'aide des critères de sélection des prêts de Freddie Mac. Il ne s'agit pas d'un engagement de prêt. Il est conseillé aux acheteurs d'obtenir une estimation de prêt. Les taux sont sujets à changement et dépendent des critères de crédit et de souscription. Certains dirigeants, administrateurs et propriétaires de Keller Williams Realty, Inc. détiennent une participation dans Keller Mortgage. Keller Mortgage, LLC est une filiale de Keller Williams Realty, Inc. Il ne s'agit pas d'un engagement de prêt. Il est conseillé aux acheteurs d'obtenir une estimation de prêt. Les taux sont sujets à changement et dépendent des critères de crédit et de souscription. Le prêt sans frais de prêteur est limité aux prêts lorsqu'un agent de Keller Williams est partie à la transaction. Le crédit du prêteur est limité aux montants de prêt de 150 000 $ et plus lorsqu'un agent Keller Williams fait partie de la transaction. L'emprunteur est responsable de tout rachat de taux. VA prêteur ID5601100000 ; Prêteur direct FHA n° 241940009 ; Keller Mortgage est un nom commercial sous licence de Keller Mortgage, LLC, 4725 Lakehurst Ct., Suite 400, Dublin, OH 43016. ; Prêteur de logement égal. © 2021 Keller Mortgage LLC, Tous droits réservés.

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Licence #13403

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